Vanessa Zheden
Electron Microscopy Facility
7 Publications
2024 | Epub ahead of print | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14846 |
Caballero Mancebo S, Shinde R, Bolger-Munro M, Peruzzo M, Szep G, Steccari I, Labrousse Arias D, Zheden V, Merrin J, Callan-Jones A, Voituriez R, Heisenberg C-PJ. 2024. Friction forces determine cytoplasmic reorganization and shape changes of ascidian oocytes upon fertilization. Nature Physics.
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2022 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10703 |
Gaertner F, Reis-Rodrigues P, de Vries I, Hons M, Aguilera J, Riedl M, Leithner AF, Tasciyan S, Kopf A, Merrin J, Zheden V, Kaufmann W, Hauschild R, Sixt MK. 2022. WASp triggers mechanosensitive actin patches to facilitate immune cell migration in dense tissues. Developmental Cell. 57(1), 47–62.e9.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9363 |
Inglés Prieto Á, Furthmann N, Crossman SH, Tichy AM, Hoyer N, Petersen M, Zheden V, Bicher J, Gschaider-Reichhart E, György A, Siekhaus DE, Soba P, Winklhofer KF, Janovjak HL. 2021. Optogenetic delivery of trophic signals in a genetic model of Parkinson’s disease. PLoS genetics. 17(4), e1009479.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9887 |
Johnson AJ, Dahhan DA, Gnyliukh N, Kaufmann W, Zheden V, Costanzo T, Mahou P, Hrtyan M, Wang J, Aguilera Servin JL, van Damme D, Beaurepaire E, Loose M, Bednarek SY, Friml J. 2021. The TPLATE complex mediates membrane bending during plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(51), e2113046118.
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2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8787 |
Nicolai L, Schiefelbein K, Lipsky S, Leunig A, Hoffknecht M, Pekayvaz K, Raude B, Marx C, Ehrlich A, Pircher J, Zhang Z, Saleh I, Marel A-K, Löf A, Petzold T, Lorenz M, Stark K, Pick R, Rosenberger G, Weckbach L, Uhl B, Xia S, Reichel CA, Walzog B, Schulz C, Zheden V, Bender M, Li R, Massberg S, Gärtner FR. 2020. Vascular surveillance by haptotactic blood platelets in inflammation and infection. Nature Communications. 11, 5778.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 6087 |
Xia P, Gütl DJ, Zheden V, Heisenberg C-PJ. 2019. Lateral inhibition in cell specification mediated by mechanical signals modulating TAZ activity. Cell. 176(6), 1379–1392.e14.
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7406
Mckenzie C, Spanova M, Johnson AJ, Kainrath S, Zheden V, Sitte HH, Janovjak HL. 2019. Isolation of synaptic vesicles from genetically engineered cultured neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 312, 114–121.
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7 Publications
2024 | Epub ahead of print | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14846 |
Caballero Mancebo S, Shinde R, Bolger-Munro M, Peruzzo M, Szep G, Steccari I, Labrousse Arias D, Zheden V, Merrin J, Callan-Jones A, Voituriez R, Heisenberg C-PJ. 2024. Friction forces determine cytoplasmic reorganization and shape changes of ascidian oocytes upon fertilization. Nature Physics.
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2022 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 10703 |
Gaertner F, Reis-Rodrigues P, de Vries I, Hons M, Aguilera J, Riedl M, Leithner AF, Tasciyan S, Kopf A, Merrin J, Zheden V, Kaufmann W, Hauschild R, Sixt MK. 2022. WASp triggers mechanosensitive actin patches to facilitate immune cell migration in dense tissues. Developmental Cell. 57(1), 47–62.e9.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9363 |
Inglés Prieto Á, Furthmann N, Crossman SH, Tichy AM, Hoyer N, Petersen M, Zheden V, Bicher J, Gschaider-Reichhart E, György A, Siekhaus DE, Soba P, Winklhofer KF, Janovjak HL. 2021. Optogenetic delivery of trophic signals in a genetic model of Parkinson’s disease. PLoS genetics. 17(4), e1009479.
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2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9887 |
Johnson AJ, Dahhan DA, Gnyliukh N, Kaufmann W, Zheden V, Costanzo T, Mahou P, Hrtyan M, Wang J, Aguilera Servin JL, van Damme D, Beaurepaire E, Loose M, Bednarek SY, Friml J. 2021. The TPLATE complex mediates membrane bending during plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(51), e2113046118.
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2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8787 |
Nicolai L, Schiefelbein K, Lipsky S, Leunig A, Hoffknecht M, Pekayvaz K, Raude B, Marx C, Ehrlich A, Pircher J, Zhang Z, Saleh I, Marel A-K, Löf A, Petzold T, Lorenz M, Stark K, Pick R, Rosenberger G, Weckbach L, Uhl B, Xia S, Reichel CA, Walzog B, Schulz C, Zheden V, Bender M, Li R, Massberg S, Gärtner FR. 2020. Vascular surveillance by haptotactic blood platelets in inflammation and infection. Nature Communications. 11, 5778.
[Published Version]
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 6087 |
Xia P, Gütl DJ, Zheden V, Heisenberg C-PJ. 2019. Lateral inhibition in cell specification mediated by mechanical signals modulating TAZ activity. Cell. 176(6), 1379–1392.e14.
[Published Version]
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2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7406
Mckenzie C, Spanova M, Johnson AJ, Kainrath S, Zheden V, Sitte HH, Janovjak HL. 2019. Isolation of synaptic vesicles from genetically engineered cultured neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 312, 114–121.
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