{"author":[{"first_name":"Enis Ceyhun","full_name":"Alp, Enis Ceyhun","last_name":"Alp"},{"id":"f5983044-d7ef-11ea-ac6d-fd1430a26d30","last_name":"Kokoris Kogias","full_name":"Kokoris Kogias, Eleftherios","first_name":"Eleftherios"},{"last_name":"Fragkouli","first_name":"Georgia","full_name":"Fragkouli, Georgia"},{"first_name":"Bryan","full_name":"Ford, Bryan","last_name":"Ford"}],"page":"105-112","quality_controlled":"1","type":"conference","_id":"8296","date_updated":"2021-01-12T08:17:56Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publisher":"ACM","date_published":"2019-05-01T00:00:00Z","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["9781450367271"]},"extern":"1","oa_version":"None","title":"Rethinking general-purpose decentralized computing","day":"01","conference":{"start_date":"2019-05-13","location":"Bertinoro, Italy","end_date":"2019-05-15","name":"HotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems"},"publication":"Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems","doi":"10.1145/3317550.3321448","abstract":[{"text":"While showing great promise, smart contracts are difficult to program correctly, as they need a deep understanding of cryptography and distributed algorithms, and offer limited functionality, as they have to be deterministic and cannot operate on secret data. In this paper we present Protean, a general-purpose decentralized computing platform that addresses these limitations by moving from a monolithic execution model, where all participating nodes store all the state and execute every computation, to a modular execution-model. Protean employs secure specialized modules, called functional units, for building decentralized applications that are currently insecure or impossible to implement with smart contracts. Each functional unit is a distributed system that provides a special-purpose functionality by exposing atomic transactions to the smart-contract developer. Combining these transactions into arbitrarily-defined workflows, developers can build a larger class of decentralized applications, such as provably-secure and fair lotteries or e-voting.","lang":"eng"}],"month":"05","status":"public","user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","publication_status":"published","article_processing_charge":"No","date_created":"2020-08-26T11:45:45Z","citation":{"apa":"Alp, E. C., Kokoris Kogias, E., Fragkouli, G., & Ford, B. (2019). Rethinking general-purpose decentralized computing. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (pp. 105–112). Bertinoro, Italy: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3317550.3321448","ama":"Alp EC, Kokoris Kogias E, Fragkouli G, Ford B. Rethinking general-purpose decentralized computing. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. ACM; 2019:105-112. doi:10.1145/3317550.3321448","ista":"Alp EC, Kokoris Kogias E, Fragkouli G, Ford B. 2019. Rethinking general-purpose decentralized computing. Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. HotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 105–112.","ieee":"E. C. Alp, E. Kokoris Kogias, G. Fragkouli, and B. Ford, “Rethinking general-purpose decentralized computing,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, Bertinoro, Italy, 2019, pp. 105–112.","mla":"Alp, Enis Ceyhun, et al. “Rethinking General-Purpose Decentralized Computing.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, ACM, 2019, pp. 105–12, doi:10.1145/3317550.3321448.","chicago":"Alp, Enis Ceyhun, Eleftherios Kokoris Kogias, Georgia Fragkouli, and Bryan Ford. “Rethinking General-Purpose Decentralized Computing.” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 105–12. ACM, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1145/3317550.3321448.","short":"E.C. Alp, E. Kokoris Kogias, G. Fragkouli, B. Ford, in:, Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, ACM, 2019, pp. 105–112."},"scopus_import":"1","year":"2019"}