{"intvolume":" 524","oa":1,"oa_version":"Preprint","title":"Observational predictions for Thorne–Żytkow objects","date_published":"2023-09-01T00:00:00Z","date_updated":"2023-08-21T12:12:48Z","_id":"14104","date_created":"2023-08-21T10:13:56Z","keyword":["Space and Planetary Science","Astronomy and Astrophysics"],"citation":{"ista":"Farmer R, Renzo M, Götberg YLL, Bellinger E, Justham S, de Mink SE. 2023. Observational predictions for Thorne–Żytkow objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 524(2), 1692–1709.","chicago":"Farmer, R, M Renzo, Ylva Louise Linsdotter Götberg, E Bellinger, S Justham, and S E de Mink. “Observational Predictions for Thorne–Żytkow Objects.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Oxford University Press, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1977.","short":"R. Farmer, M. Renzo, Y.L.L. Götberg, E. Bellinger, S. Justham, S.E. de Mink, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 (2023) 1692–1709.","ieee":"R. Farmer, M. Renzo, Y. L. L. Götberg, E. Bellinger, S. Justham, and S. E. de Mink, “Observational predictions for Thorne–Żytkow objects,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 524, no. 2. Oxford University Press, pp. 1692–1709, 2023.","mla":"Farmer, R., et al. “Observational Predictions for Thorne–Żytkow Objects.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 524, no. 2, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 1692–709, doi:10.1093/mnras/stad1977.","apa":"Farmer, R., Renzo, M., Götberg, Y. L. L., Bellinger, E., Justham, S., & de Mink, S. E. (2023). Observational predictions for Thorne–Żytkow objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1977","ama":"Farmer R, Renzo M, Götberg YLL, Bellinger E, Justham S, de Mink SE. Observational predictions for Thorne–Żytkow objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2023;524(2):1692-1709. doi:10.1093/mnras/stad1977"},"volume":524,"external_id":{"arxiv":["2305.07337"]},"month":"09","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Thorne–Żytkow objects (TŻO) are potential end products of the merger of a neutron star with a non-degenerate star. In this work, we have computed the first grid of evolutionary models of TŻOs with the MESA stellar evolution code. With these models, we predict several observational properties of TŻOs, including their surface temperatures and luminosities, pulsation periods, and nucleosynthetic products. We expand the range of possible TŻO solutions to cover 3.45≲log(Teff/K)≲3.65 and 4.85≲log(L/L⊙)≲5.5⁠. Due to the much higher densities our TŻOs reach compared to previous models, if TŻOs form we expect them to be stable over a larger mass range than previously predicted, without exhibiting a gap in their mass distribution. Using the GYRE stellar pulsation code we show that TŻOs should have fundamental pulsation periods of 1000–2000 d, and period ratios of ≈0.2–0.3. Models computed with a large 399 isotope fully coupled nuclear network show a nucleosynthetic signal that is different to previously predicted. We propose a new nucleosynthetic signal to determine a star’s status as a TŻO: the isotopologues 44TiO2 and 44TiO⁠, which will have a shift in their spectral features as compared to stable titanium-containing molecules. We find that in the local Universe (∼SMC metallicities and above) TŻOs show little heavy metal enrichment, potentially explaining the difficulty in finding TŻOs to-date."}],"article_type":"original","publication":"Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society","user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","publication_status":"published","day":"01","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0035-8711"],"eissn":["1365-2966"]},"extern":"1","publisher":"Oxford University Press","type":"journal_article","quality_controlled":"1","page":"1692-1709","author":[{"last_name":"Farmer","full_name":"Farmer, R","first_name":"R"},{"full_name":"Renzo, M","first_name":"M","last_name":"Renzo"},{"orcid":"0000-0002-6960-6911","id":"d0648d0c-0f64-11ee-a2e0-dd0faa2e4f7d","last_name":"Götberg","first_name":"Ylva Louise Linsdotter","full_name":"Götberg, Ylva Louise Linsdotter"},{"last_name":"Bellinger","full_name":"Bellinger, E","first_name":"E"},{"last_name":"Justham","full_name":"Justham, S","first_name":"S"},{"last_name":"de Mink","first_name":"S E","full_name":"de Mink, S E"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"issue":"2","article_processing_charge":"No","year":"2023","scopus_import":"1","status":"public","doi":"10.1093/mnras/stad1977","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.07337"}]}