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Knaus Lisa | Publications: 6
Graduate School | Novarino Group
Kniely Michael | ORCID iD: | Publications: 5
Fischer Group
Kögler Kevin | Publications: 2
Graduate School | Mondelli Group
Kokoris Kogias Lefteris | Publications: 37
Kokoris Group
Kolesnikov Alexander | Publications: 9
Lampert Group
Kolmogorov Vladimir | Publications: 94
Kolmogorov Group
Kolupaiev Oleksii | Publications: 1
Graduate School | Erdoes Group
Kondrashov Fyodor | ORCID iD: | Publications: 94
Kondrashov Group
Kong Hui | ORCID iD: | Publications: 10
Henzinger_Thomas Group
Konrad Matthias | Publications: 9
Cremer Group
Konstantinov Nikola H | Publications: 9
Graduate School | Lampert Group
Kopf Aglaja | ORCID iD: | Publications: 8
Sixt Group
Koppensteiner Peter | ORCID iD: | Publications: 5
Pre-Clinical Facility
Korc Filip | Publications: 2
Lampert Group
Koren Klaus | Publications: 1
Janovjak Group
Korhonen Janne | Publications: 10
Alistarh Group
Korinkova Hana | Publications: 2
Graduate School | Shigemoto Group
Korkut Medina | ORCID iD: | Publications: 3
Graduate School | Siegert Group
Köse Seyda | Publications: 3
Graduate School
Koudjinan Edmond | ORCID iD: | Publications: 6
Kaloshin Group