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3 Publications

2023 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 13443 | OA
Magnetic activity evolution of solar-like stars. I. Sph–age relation derived from Kepler observations
S. Mathur, Z.R. Claytor, Â.R.G. Santos, R.A. García, L. Amard, L.A. Bugnet, E. Corsaro, A. Bonanno, S.N. Breton, D. Godoy-Rivera, M.H. Pinsonneault, J. van Saders, The Astrophysical Journal 952 (2023).
[Published Version] View | Files available | DOI | WoS
2023 | Submitted | Preprint | IST-REx-ID: 13447 | OA
Asteroseismology with the Roman galactic bulge time-domain survey
Huber D, Pinsonneault M, Beck P, Bedding TR, Joss Bland-Hawthorn JB-H, Breton SN, Bugnet LA, Chaplin WJ, Garcia RA, Grunblatt SK, Guzik JA, Hekker S, Kawaler SD, Mathis S, Mathur S, Metcalfe T, Mosser B, Ness MK, Piro AL, Serenelli A, Sharma S, Soderblom DR, Stassun KG, Stello D, Tayar J, Belle GT van, Zinn JC. Asteroseismology with the Roman galactic bulge time-domain survey. arXiv, 2307.03237.
[Preprint] View | DOI | Download Preprint (ext.) | arXiv
2023 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 14256 | OA [Published Version] View | Files available | DOI | WoS | arXiv


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