Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of noble metal ternary chalcogenide systems of Ag Au Se in the forms of alloyed nanoparticles and colloidal nanoheterostructures
Dalmases M, Ibáñez M, Torruella P, Fernàndez Altable V, López Conesa L, Cadavid D, Piveteau L, Nachtegaal M, Llorca J, Ruiz González M, Estradé S, Peiró F, Kovalenko M, Cabot A, Figuerola A. 2016. Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of noble metal ternary chalcogenide systems of Ag Au Se in the forms of alloyed nanoparticles and colloidal nanoheterostructures. Chemistry of Materials. 28(19), 7017–7028.
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Journal Article
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| English
Dalmases, Mariona;
Ibáñez , MariaISTA
Torruella, Paul;
Fernàndez Altable, Victor;
López Conesa, Luis;
Cadavid, Doris;
Piveteau, Laura;
Nachtegaal, Maarten;
Llorca, Jordi;
Ruiz González, Maria;
Estradé, Sònia;
Peiró, Francesca

The optimization of a material functionality requires both the rational design and precise engineering of its structural and chemical parameters. In this work, we show how colloidal chemistry is an excellent synthetic choice for the synthesis of novel ternary nanostructured chalcogenides, containing exclusively noble metals, with tailored morphology and composition and with potential application in the energy conversion field. Specifically, the Ag-Au-Se system has been explored from a synthetic point of view, which leads to a set of Ag2Se-based hybrid and ternary nanoparticles including the room temperature synthesis of the rare ternary Ag3AuSe2 fischesserite phase. An in-depth structural and chemical characterization of all nanomaterials has been performed, which proofed especially useful for unravelling the reaction mechanism behind the formation of the ternary phase in solution. The work is complemented with the thermal and electric characterization of a ternary Ag-Au-Se nanocomposite with promising results: we found that the use of the ternary nanocomposite represents a clear improvement in terms of thermoelectric energy conversion as compared to a binary Ag-Se nanocomposite analogue.
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Chemistry of Materials
American Chemical Society
We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MINECO through CTQ2012-32247, CTQ2015-68370-P, and ENE2015-63969-R and from the Generalitat de Catalunya through 2014 SGR 129. A.F. acknowledges the Spanish MINECO for a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (RYC-2010-05821). J.L. is a Serra Hunter Fellow and is grateful to ICREA Academia program. At IREC, work was supported by European Regional Development Funds and the Framework 7 program under project UNION (FP7-NMP 310250). M.I. thanks AGAUR for their Beatriu de Pinos postdoctoral grant. M.V.K. acknowledges partial financial support by the European Union (EU) via FP7 ERC Starting Grant 2012 (Project NANOSOLID, GA No. 306733). L.P. acknowledges support from the Scholarship Fund of the Swiss Chemical Industry (SSCI). The Swiss Light Source is thanked for the provision of beamtime at the SuperXAS beamline.
7017 - 7028
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Dalmases M, Ibáñez M, Torruella P, et al. Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of noble metal ternary chalcogenide systems of Ag Au Se in the forms of alloyed nanoparticles and colloidal nanoheterostructures. Chemistry of Materials. 2016;28(19):7017-7028. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b02845
Dalmases, M., Ibáñez, M., Torruella, P., Fernàndez Altable, V., López Conesa, L., Cadavid, D., … Figuerola, A. (2016). Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of noble metal ternary chalcogenide systems of Ag Au Se in the forms of alloyed nanoparticles and colloidal nanoheterostructures. Chemistry of Materials. American Chemical Society.
Dalmases, Mariona, Maria Ibáñez, Paul Torruella, Victor Fernàndez Altable, Luis López Conesa, Doris Cadavid, Laura Piveteau, et al. “Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Noble Metal Ternary Chalcogenide Systems of Ag Au Se in the Forms of Alloyed Nanoparticles and Colloidal Nanoheterostructures.” Chemistry of Materials. American Chemical Society, 2016.
M. Dalmases et al., “Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of noble metal ternary chalcogenide systems of Ag Au Se in the forms of alloyed nanoparticles and colloidal nanoheterostructures,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 28, no. 19. American Chemical Society, pp. 7017–7028, 2016.
Dalmases M, Ibáñez M, Torruella P, Fernàndez Altable V, López Conesa L, Cadavid D, Piveteau L, Nachtegaal M, Llorca J, Ruiz González M, Estradé S, Peiró F, Kovalenko M, Cabot A, Figuerola A. 2016. Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of noble metal ternary chalcogenide systems of Ag Au Se in the forms of alloyed nanoparticles and colloidal nanoheterostructures. Chemistry of Materials. 28(19), 7017–7028.
Dalmases, Mariona, et al. “Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Noble Metal Ternary Chalcogenide Systems of Ag Au Se in the Forms of Alloyed Nanoparticles and Colloidal Nanoheterostructures.” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 28, no. 19, American Chemical Society, 2016, pp. 7017–28, doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b02845.