Data-assessing memory in convection schemes using idealized tests

Hwong Y-L, Colin M, Aglas P, Muller CJ, Sherwood SC. 2023. Data-assessing memory in convection schemes using idealized tests, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.7757041.

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This repository contains the data, scripts, WRF codes and files required to reproduce the results of the manuscript "Assessing Memory in Convection Schemes Using Idealized Tests" submitted to the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES).
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Hwong Y-L, Colin M, Aglas P, Muller CJ, Sherwood SC. Data-assessing memory in convection schemes using idealized tests. 2023. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.7757041
Hwong, Y.-L., Colin, M., Aglas, P., Muller, C. J., & Sherwood, S. C. (2023). Data-assessing memory in convection schemes using idealized tests. Zenodo.
Hwong, Yi-Ling, Maxime Colin, Philipp Aglas, Caroline J Muller, and Steven C. Sherwood. “Data-Assessing Memory in Convection Schemes Using Idealized Tests.” Zenodo, 2023.
Y.-L. Hwong, M. Colin, P. Aglas, C. J. Muller, and S. C. Sherwood, “Data-assessing memory in convection schemes using idealized tests.” Zenodo, 2023.
Hwong Y-L, Colin M, Aglas P, Muller CJ, Sherwood SC. 2023. Data-assessing memory in convection schemes using idealized tests, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.7757041.
Hwong, Yi-Ling, et al. Data-Assessing Memory in Convection Schemes Using Idealized Tests. Zenodo, 2023, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.7757041.
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