Entangling microwaves and telecom wavelength light
Sahu R, Qiu L, Hease WJ, Arnold GM, Minoguchi Y, Rabl P, Fink JM. 2023. Entangling microwaves and telecom wavelength light. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023. Laser Science, LM1F.3.
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Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Sahu, RishabhISTA ;
Qiu, Liu;
Hease, William JISTA ;
Arnold, Georg MISTA ;
Minoguchi, Yuri;
Rabl, Peter;
Fink, Johannes MISTA
We entangled microwave and optical photons for the first time as verified by a measured two-mode vacuum squeezing of 0.7 dB. This electro-optic entanglement is the key resource needed to connect cryogenic quantum circuits.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Proceedings Title
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023
Optica Publishing Group
Article Number
Laser Science
Conference Location
Tacoma, WA, United States
Conference Date
2023-10-09 – 2023-10-12
Cite this
Sahu R, Qiu L, Hease WJ, et al. Entangling microwaves and telecom wavelength light. In: Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023. Optica Publishing Group; 2023. doi:10.1364/ls.2023.lm1f.3
Sahu, R., Qiu, L., Hease, W. J., Arnold, G. M., Minoguchi, Y., Rabl, P., & Fink, J. M. (2023). Entangling microwaves and telecom wavelength light. In Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023. Tacoma, WA, United States: Optica Publishing Group. https://doi.org/10.1364/ls.2023.lm1f.3
Sahu, Rishabh, Liu Qiu, William J Hease, Georg M Arnold, Yuri Minoguchi, Peter Rabl, and Johannes M Fink. “Entangling Microwaves and Telecom Wavelength Light.” In Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023. Optica Publishing Group, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1364/ls.2023.lm1f.3.
R. Sahu et al., “Entangling microwaves and telecom wavelength light,” in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023, Tacoma, WA, United States, 2023.
Sahu R, Qiu L, Hease WJ, Arnold GM, Minoguchi Y, Rabl P, Fink JM. 2023. Entangling microwaves and telecom wavelength light. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023. Laser Science, LM1F.3.
Sahu, Rishabh, et al. “Entangling Microwaves and Telecom Wavelength Light.” Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023, LM1F.3, Optica Publishing Group, 2023, doi:10.1364/ls.2023.lm1f.3.